Saturday, March 10, 2012

The New iPad (iPad 3) Review/First Look

Apple and its shiny new iPad 3 are redefining a category it created with the original iPad two years ago. This release sees Apple's best iPad yet – and you can check it out in our first look review. In it it's real name still remains a bit of a mystery (is it iPad 3 or the New iPad?) but there's no denying Apple's glorious new iPad 3 still remians the most desired and lovable rectangle on the planet.

The new iPad: Everything you need to know. iPad, Apple, Tablets, iPad 3, ios 0
The new iPad: Everything you need to know. iPad, Apple, Tablets, iPad 3, ios 0

The new iPad: Everything you need to know. iPad, Apple, Tablets, iPad 3, ios 0The new iPad: Everything you need to know. iPad, Apple, Tablets, iPad 3, ios 0The new iPad: Everything you need to know. iPad, Apple, Tablets, iPad 3, ios 0The new iPad: Everything you need to know. iPad, Apple, Tablets, iPad 3, ios 0
There might not have been "one more thing", but we were told Apple is "just getting started". Makes you feel kind of impatient for the next announcement, doesn't it?


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